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Kanis Majoris No. 9
Nov 2024
How not to travel to Bangkok, how to measure rain, what the fifth of November means in the UK, colours in various languages, another helping of the best movies from the ‘00s, more of the best YouTube channels.

Kanis Majoris No. 8
May 2024
What happens when the sun doesn’t set, the town that wasn’t supposed to exist, what to see in Kuala Lumpur, more of the most amazing albums of all time.

Kanis Majoris No. 7
Nov 2023
What the Seven Wonders of the World are, what the difference is between the various types of tea, what Singapore is actually like, the best movies of the ‘90s, what the pandemic felt like.

Kanis Majoris No. 6
May 2023
You get stranded in the desert after a series of strange events but you just can’t find the answer to the most important question: How far can a piñata run into the desert?

Kanis Majoris No. 5
Nov 2022
Why daylight savings is a thing, what year it actually is in Ethiopia, the street system of New York City, what it’s like to climb to the crater of a volcano, the best movies of the ‘00s.

Kanis Majoris No. 4
May 2022
What the northern lights actually are, who the richest person of all time was, what it’s like going inside the Great Pyramid, what to watch on YouTube, how old classical music really is.

Kanis Majoris No. 3
Nov 2021
Where airplanes go when they die, why the Rosetta Stone was such a big deal, what you should never step on when in Bali, one of the weirdest painters ever, some awesome podcasts.

Kanis Majoris No. 2
May 2021
How and when to see meteors, why Mt. Everest isn't the tallest mountain in the world, the type of jellyfish that lives forever, the best albums, some riddles to get you thinking.

Kanis Majoris No. 1
Nov 2020
Why the Mona Lisa is so famous, where coffee comes from, the best movies of the 2010s, the rainiest places in the world.

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Kanis Majoris is a digital magazine with knowledge, culture, languages, travel, humour, lifestyle and entertainment. Occasionally there'll be puzzles, riddles, short stories about who-knows-what, and a piñata randomly making an appearance in every issue. Kanis Majoris has all sorts of stuff you may or may not find useful and yes, they are paying me to say all this but I don't see how that's relevant.

Place the money in the duffle bag and leave it by that phone booth downtown at 10am sharp. Then take out all the money and leave the bag because, frankly, the bag’s all I really need.
Need food, clothing or medical supplies? Well, sorry. I don't have any of that here. In fact, nothing here is actually essential to human survival, but you don't have to buy it if you don't want to. I understand. If you would, however, like to buy some Kanis Majoris merchandise, then this is the place for you. Anything you order will definitely help the magazine grow and I sincerely appreciate it. Now, please excuse me while I make this announcement for a cleanup on aisle 782.
Kanis Majoris on Society6Let's gather around the campfire and discuss our marketing strategy for this fiscal year.
Kanis Majoris is released every six months.
There is an issue every May and another every November.
Here's a schedule to see which issue is coming out when.
I think this is more for myself than it is for you so I can stay on track.
May 31st
November 30th
May 31st
November 30th